Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly Blog (January 5 to 9)

Monday:Today was a really tiring day and most of the people in my class were tired including me. Luckily, science class is at the end of the school day so we were not as tired as we were in the morning (Math Class). Anyways, today we went straight into midterm studying. We talked about only studying Unit 1 today and continuing the other units on other days. For homework I am only studying sig figs, precision and accuracy, and the scientific method. We did a review sheet and we went over the answers. We could either do it around the room or on the computer. I felt that today was a good day, and I definently had to remember a lot. I was also surprised that we are almost in our second half in the school year. It definitely went by fast. I can already tell that this week is going to be a stressful week. Today I could prove on recalling all of the topics from unit 1. Once I work on the topics I will remember it and it will be easier. That was all we did today.

Tuesday:Today was a good day because we really started to get onto studying Today we studied unit 2. While we were studying we had little fun games that we tried in between questions. We had to answer different questions about the unit, my partner was Lauren. Here is a funny picture of one of our games.

This game was to get the vanilla cracker to your mouth only using facial expressions and under a minute. This was really funny game. I didn't get into my mouth and it fell and I just ate it. I felt that this was a good break to do in between questions. Mrs.G always finds a good way to spend our break!
That is all we did today.

Wednesday: Today was one of those days that is not bad but it wasn't the best. Today we studied Atomic structure and theory. This is about the periodic table and the different number of protons and electrons. We also studied a little about the different people who discovered the atom. J.J. Thompson, Bohr, and other people. We played more games and we took good breaks. One of the games was to hit all the cans on the ground with only a yoyo tied to your waist, your are only allowed to use your waist. You can spin also. This was another good way to spend our break. I felt that I had to remember a lot but it was still good.

Thursday: I felt like today was a good/funny day. We focused on reviewing the periodic table and reviewing the different trends on the periodic table. Today I had to do a lot of remembering of the past. We had a lot of fun today, we played a game where u are in a group and we had to answer questions with your group. We also had bonus questions, and on one questions you had to find the owl on the questions. The owl was like 1 mm. on the screen. Like I said Mrs.G always finds a good way to study and have fun! I was in group with Lauren and Keira. Every time we talked about the answer we would have to whisper, they had good whispering voices and I didn't, so it was way easier for me.  I felt like today was a good day for me and my classmates.

Friday: I is finally Friday! But it actually isn't that relaxing science we have midterms. I am not really stressed about the science midterms, but I am really stressed about the social studies exams. Anyways today we reviews unit 5 and 6, we combined the units together and it basically has the same amount of information in it. These units were about bonds and ions. We did the same game that we did yesterday, and my team won! We got Hershey's chocolate bars This game is really fun, especially when you win! I think  today was a fun and good day.

I could improve on studying and trying to remember all the units in all the subjects.

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