Monday: MLK Day. No school!
Tuesday: We started science class with the daily science starter. We got a new sheet because it is a new semester and we cleaned out our binders last week. So we started with the science starter which was listing things under chemical or mechanical weathering. After that we did a fun activity, we had a tray and some skittles, in the tray there were little droppers. Then, Mrs.G gave us a sheet to fill out and we had to draw and aerial view of what the skittle looked like after we dropped water onto it. We dropped ten drops of water then we filled out the table, then ten more and we went all the way to 50 drops. This was a fun way to visualize weathering and erosion. After that we took notes on the first section, and our first quiz on next Tuesday. This unit is not going to be that big. That was all we did today.
Wednesday:Today we started science class with the daily science starter. After we did that we went straight into doing a new lab called the weathering lab. I am partners with James A and today we got all of the stations done except for the last one, the seventh one. The stations were about using different chemicals and different things to demonstrate weathering. This helped me with understanding weathering and erosion, it was a good way to apply the things that we are learning. This also was a good way to really see the reactions in front of us. The different stations were about the different types of weathering, mechanical and chemical. My favorite station was chalk (that represented limestone)that was dissolving in vinegar and we actually go to see it breakdown in the vinegar.
Thursday:We started class with our daily science starter like always, but we went over Tuesday's science starter first because Mrs.G didn't give us the answers on Tuesday because she wanted to see what we thought the answers were before we did the lab. After the science starter that was for today, we had to identify which things were chemical and mechanical weathering. After that we took some notes on the next two slides from where we left off. We didn't have to write down anything so it was pretty easy. When we finished that we worked on our lab. I actually finished my lab in the first 5 minutes because James and I got most of it done yesterday. Then I just blogged for the ret of the class. Today in science class was pretty easy.
Friday:Today was a pretty good day. We started with the daily science starter and then we did some notes and then we started the lab report to germinating seeds. Th science starter was pretty easy and I got all of the answers correct. After that we took notes on the rest of the section 2. After that my partner Chad and I started on the lab report for the seeds. We finished the title page and we started the introduction. That was all we did today.
Improvements: I could improve on being more organized with my schoolwork and just my life. I also need to focus a little more in class so that I can fully understand what is being taught!